Eli5 why Is water which is 66.6% Hydrogen great for firefighting even though Hydrogen is highly inflammable?


Eli5 why Is water which is 66.6% Hydrogen great for firefighting even though Hydrogen is highly inflammable?

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10 Answers

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Molecules take on different properties than the atoms that compose them. When two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bond to create a water molecule, the molecule becomes stable. When hydrogen is ignited on its own, what’s happenning is that the hydrogen is cumbustoming with the o2 in the atmosphere, heat energy is released in the form of a flare explosion and water vapor is the exhausted result of the combustion.

But if you start with h20, the hydrogen which on its own would be seaking o2 to attach to, is already satisfied and as such no chemicals reaction like a flair explosion will occure.

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