Eli5: Why isn’t drug decriminalization working so well in Oregon like it did in Portugal?


You often hear Portugal cited when arguing for drug decriminalization. I heard it’s been successful. Oregon on the other hand decriminalized drugs a year ago and overdoses have spiked 40% according to some statistics. Is drug decriminalization all that it’s made up to be? Why did it work on Portugal but not Oregon?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know how Oregon’s decriminalisation works but here we didn’t just go “ok guys feel free to shoot, just don’t carry too much”. For starters we had “salas de chuto” (I think they’re not around anymore) where people could get free sterilised needles for example (I think they still can get them in pharmacies but don’t @ me). If you get caught with drugs with a low quantity you still have to dispose of them if it’s a first offence or go to compulsory rehab if it’s not.

We also have feee healthcare, so if your friend is ODing you call 112. In the USA they probably refrain from calling 911 because it would be expensive

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