eli5: why isn’t formula milk just formulated to be better than breastmilk?


eli5: why isn’t formula milk just formulated to be better than breastmilk?

In: 1316

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

All these points are really well made and articulated better than I could. But I would like to add one thing:
So many people these days think we can do almost anything with the technology we have now. It’s just not true. There’s so much more learning we feeble humans need to do to figure out the world. So many biochemical processes are still being figured out (not to mention nuclear science, quantum mechanics, A.I… Etc…)

Millions of years of evolution “figured out” the ideal milk for that species through generations upon generations upon generations of trial and error. I bet it will be thousands of years before we can even make a super expensive form of formula that is truly better than mothers’ breast milk. Nature takes its time and learns from millions of years of mistakes at a rate of millions of mistakes each of those years. We’re so far from so many things, and there’s so many people who think we’ve got it all figured out already.

There was an extensive survey done in the year 1900 where the general consensus was that human kind pretty much learned everything that we could already. And I don’t have to tell you how much innovation and new technologies and even completely new branches of science have been discovered since then…

*edit* Sorry for the formatting, I’m on mobile, and it got all janky and Idk how to fix it right now*

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