eli5: why isn’t formula milk just formulated to be better than breastmilk?


eli5: why isn’t formula milk just formulated to be better than breastmilk?

In: 1316

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bc how would you add antibodies that change depending on babys needs and illnesses to formula? What would it cost to add stem cells, probiotics, living cells, hormones? Changes of content according to how much the baby is able to consume (fats, carbohydrates, proteins)? It’s thousands of years of evolution what has resulted in what breastmilk contains, and making anything that even resembles it would be super costly and not really possible.

With that said, not everyone can and want to breastfeed. In my country it’s pretty normalised and encouraged top breastfeed, and WHO recommends to two years old or older. But not everyone can and want to do it. That’s perfectly fine. Fed is best. Having others nurse your baby was normal years ago. Especially by rich people, where the mother couldn’t or wouldn’t breastfeed. It’s just not possible to make formula that adapts to what the baby needs.

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