ELI5- why isn’t geothermal power universally feasible?


We can drill down and pump out oil and natural gas from anywhere in the world, even building refineries on massive rigs in the middle of the ocean.

We can dig down and extract coal through endless tunnels that stretch out under the sea.

Why is it not feasible to just drill down far enough to pump water down and allow steam to rise up and power turbines? I know some parts of the world have the required heat closer, but surely tapping into the heat that perpetually sits under our feet is a huge contribution to the solution of replacing fossil fuels?

In: 6

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In short, it’s too far down generally. Drilling wells is expensive. Maintaining deep wells is expensive too. We might end up spending more energy drilling and maintaining a couple of wells than the energy expected to be produced over the lifetime of those wells.

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