eli5: why isn’t the summer Solstice the hottest day of the year?


It is the longest day, so it gets the most sunshine, why is it hotter latter in the summer when the days are getting shorter again???

In: 341

32 Answers

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That’s the day with the biggest “push” to raise the temperature.

But that doesn’t mean it’s the hottest.

Just like the moment you push an object the hardest isn’t always the fastest moment.

You are in a car, you got your accelerator, hard. You increase speed, but then let of the gas a bit. You still speed up… But your max speed isn’t when you got the gas hardest.

Or to go with temperature, your cooking over a fire. For a brief moment you polling it into the middle of the flame, but then pull it out to sit near the edge for an hour. Was the food hottest only in the flame itself? If you go through really fast you might not even burn yourself out earn the food much at all.

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