ELi5: Why isn’t there more credit card fraud than I think when you give companies all card information?


Such as I just gave a pizza place my name, card number, expiration, security code and zip. The same goes for countless other companies where I’ve done the same. What’s to stop employees from using this information to make fraudulent purchases? Or does it happen and just hasn’t happened to me yet?

In: 35

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most businesses either do online purchases securely through a payment provider or using their eftpos machine in store, which the staff and business can’t see your details

Some businesses may do credit card payments over the phone which I guess the staff member could steal write it down, but the risk vs reward is very small and not worth it.

Credit card fraud is huge and the banks have this built up into the costs and people generally get reimbursed

people have swapped a [QR code for parking](https://mashable.com/article/beware-qr-code-scams) with their own to steal the informatio

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve had my cc number stolen 3 times in the past two years. Twice online and once in person (I think it was a gas station but not sure). All three times I was notified by the credit company and the charges were immediately reversed