eli5 why motors need drivers and cannot be powered directly or with potentiometer


eli5 why motors need drivers and cannot be powered directly or with potentiometer

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5 Answers

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They don’t need a driver it’s simply for speed control unless you have a brushless DC motor then you need it

the hard part in making an electric motor is getting a rotating magnetic field if you don’t have this your motor will simply ocilate

the most common motor is the 3 phase induction motor it uses the grid’s 3phase power to achieve rotation brushless dc motors are 3 phase motors controled by turning dc power on and off very fast this is called pulse width modulation if you want to run a motor at variable speed from a battery this is normally what you use

brushed dc and universal motors use a commutator to achieve the rotating magnetic field no need for a driver single phase motors normally use a capacitor to shift the phase angle of the current to get rotation if you see a motor with a bulge in the side that’s what it is

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