eli5: Why oxygen is the life’s fuel?


I’ve noticed that most of, if not all living things rely on oxygen in one way or another to breath, live. We humans need oxygen so then is carried to our bloodstream to oxygenate our internals, same with a fish for example where the oxygen is obtained from the water. But why oxygen? Why live couldn’t have happen with other elements like hydrogen for example? Why oxygen is any life’s fuel in our universe?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To make fire (AKA burn) you need an oxidizer and a combustible. Combustible can be wood, coal, grass, or many other things. Oxidizer is oxygen. Like, that’s the whole list, you need oxygen for an oxydizer, which is necessary to burn things.

To produce energy you need to “burn” things inside your body. Which mean that you’ll always need oxygen. If you don’t have oxygen, you can’t burn things. Can’t burn things can’t move. Can’t move, can’t live.

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