Eli5: Why pinching some kegs or warts hurt THAT much?


Eli5: Why pinching some kegs or warts hurt THAT much?

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Very few people will know what a “Keg” is in the context you’ve asked.

Any viral skin growth such as a Wart has the potential to stimulate a blood and nerve supply to it.

There are parts of your body where nerve endings under the skin are very close together such as your fingertips, face, soles of your feet etc.

If a wart grows in one of these areas (they often do), then more nerve endings mean more sensitivity, means more pain when the skin is pinched. Additionally the skin around the wart will be chroniclly inflamed since the virus is effectively invading the upper layers of skin around it. This causes the nerve endings to be even more sensitive to skin trauma and a more a painful reaction is the result.

These type of nerve endings are often referred to as pain receptors.