Eli5 why sodium is a key factor with hydration.


Bonus points if you do the long comment thing explaining hydration in general.

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Sodium is an electrolyte, a mineral that carries an electrical charge found in body fluids. When electrolytes are dissolved in a fluid, that fluid can now carry an electrical charge. Your cells use that new electric pathway to allow you to contract your muscles, because it’s based on an electrical signal sent from your brain. A good example is salt water, it conducts electricity very easily because it is positively charged (sodium) and negatively charged (chlorine). The charges balance each other out but when dissolved the sodium and chlorine break apart allowing the fluid to carry electricity which bounces from negative to positive, negative again… etc. Sodium specifically is good because it helps your body maintain a good balance of fluid, and helps cells absorb nutrients and water. It is the most common electrolyte ion found in the body. That is why when you don’t get enough sodium, you can actually become dehydrated.

Hydration is important because your body is constantly using water, everything you do requires water. Every cell in your body needs water. You are also constantly losing it to a few sources: sweat, your excretory system and breathing. When deprived of enough water for all body systems to function, you become dehydrated and your body begins telling you that you need water.

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