eli5 why some medications increase the chance of suicidal thoughts?


So many commercials for medications say that taking said medication may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts. How can it influence thoughts in that way?

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2 Answers

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Your thoughts are actually just the result of a bunch of electrochemical signals in your brain. These signals rely heavily upon neurotransmitters that act as chemical messengers.

The brain is extremely complex and any changes made with medication to one neurotransmitter may effect a bunch of other things. The same medication might cause one person’s brain to react differently that another person.

If you take your TV and open it up and cut one little wire somewhere it may change the colors that get displayed on the screen. Or it may be a wire that’s not really useful. Your brain is also a circuit of sorts and may act up when you mess with the circuit.

Lastly, the brain tries to maintain balance. When you mess with the circuit by adding caffeine every day, it will over time try to counteract the caffeine it’s used to getting so if you suddenly stop you feel extremely tired.

Similarly, adding new medication might only give you suicidal thoughts for the first day, or three days, 2 weeks etc until the brain balances out. Or not.

One medication might give one person suicidal thoughts, but make another person feel better or make them get frequent goosebumps, make them hypersexual, hungry or give them brain shocks and crying spells. That’s why medicating mental health is a trial and error process unfortunately.

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