Eli5: Why some muscles in our body (like the heart) don’t need rest?


In the same note, why wouldn’t the entire body being made of such “unresting” tissues be a good idea? Wouldn’t it improve survival to have a small period of vulnerability?

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6 Answers

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Think of a toy car that you like to play with. You might have fun running around with it, but after a while you would feel tired and need to rest, right? Now imagine if the toy car had a magic battery that never ran out of power. You could play with it all day long without ever feeling tired. Some of the muscles in our body have a magic battery like that. It is called “mitochondria” and it gives them lots of power all the time. The heart is one of those muscles, and it has to be strong and work all the time to keep us alive. So even when we feel tired from playing, our heart never feels tired because it has this magic battery that keeps it working all the time.

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