Eli5: Why subways are able to accelerate so quickly?


Eli5: Why subways are able to accelerate so quickly?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Distributed traction, usually half the wheels in the trains are powered by traction motors, so almost every car is pushing the train, overcoming the slipperiness of steel wheels on steel tracks

Like cars are typically 2 wheel drive, off-roaders are 4×4, 4 driven wheels out of 4, while subway trains are typically like 32×64 or more, 32 driven wheels is a lot

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Electric motors which are distributed across the trainset.

Electric motors generate instantaneous torque which massively helps with acceleration. Diesel or any fossil-fuel engine cannot do this instantaneously.

It is also why Teslas despite being a 4 door saloon or crossover can accelerate so fast.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While not as aerodynamic as an American football, the subway is somewhat close enough in shape to be yeeted in much the same way