Eli5: why surgery fasting time is the same for everyone


This one is inspired by a post I just saw about why you need to fast (puking, stomach acids in lungs, etc)
But here’s the thing. I have indigestion. I swear I’ve puked up DAYS old food before. If I fast 6/12/24 hours and the food is still there isn’t that still the same risk?
I’ve had lots of surgeries with no problems but.. I feel like this is a problem?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s impractical to tell people to fast for days, or to do a full GI workup on every patient before they have surgery. They establish a good rule of thumb that works for 95% (or whatever) of patients. I’m sure there are vast clinical studies that have established how long it takes for food to exit the stomach into the intestines and the fasting recommendations are based on that data.

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