eli5 why the length of the foot was shortened?


From what I have read the original Roman mile is 5000 feet (mille passus) and a Roman foot is slightly shorter than our modern foot. I also read the in ~1500 the definition of a mile was 8 furlongs at 625 German/northern feet per furlong (therefore 5000 feet) and a German foot was longer than our modern feet and then during her reign Queen Elizabeth I shortened the foot but kept the length if a furlong and mile increasing the length if a furlong to 660 and increasing a mile by 280. Why did Elizabeth shorten the length of a foot to something more like the Roman foot?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Taxes. Taxes back in the middle age on property were calculated by the acre. If the foot is shorter the mile is shorter. The shorter the mile, the more acreage a plot of land has. Shorten the foot, the landowners pay more taxes.

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