the regulations change a bit year to year so you can’t just use the same car..
even if the regulations don’t change much if you did use the same car you’d be going backwards, the fastest car in year 1 would be in the midfield in year 4.. if you’re not moving forward you’re standing still or going backwards you need to keep up with all the other teams
Merc were winning before the regulations changed pretty radically to cars that used ground effects, they can and do use all the data and things they learned from the old regulations to the new ones but RB got the regulations more right and made a faster car..
Merc have been trying to play catch-up but it’s trying to catch a moving target.. this years car could be 0.5s faster than last years car but if RB has found 0.6s (and McLaren have found 0.8s) then you’re just going backwards
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