Eli5: Why to we tend to lose our sense of balance in a precarious or elevated spot, even if we can perceive that we’re actually firmly planted on a solid stationary surface?


Eli5: Why to we tend to lose our sense of balance in a precarious or elevated spot, even if we can perceive that we’re actually firmly planted on a solid stationary surface?

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The sense of balance, or equilibrioception, is a complex process involving several systems in the body, including the eyes, ears, and nerves in the muscles and joints. When we are in a precarious or elevated position, these systems can be thrown off balance and cause us to feel unsteady, even if we are actually on a solid, stationary surface. This can happen because our brains are programmed to be cautious in such situations, and our instincts may cause us to tense up and become more aware of our surroundings, making us feel less stable. Additionally, the visual and vestibular systems, which help us to maintain our balance, can be disrupted in these situations, causing us to lose our sense of equilibrium.