Eli5: why we don’t combine compost and regular garbage in landfills


Where I live we have two separate waste pickups, one for compost, any organic waste from yards like grass clippings, leaves, etc. And one for regular trash. Wouldn’t it make sense to combine them? All that organic waste mixed in with the trash would have to help it decompose, right?

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4 Answers

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Mixing waste reduces its value- metal, plastic paper and organic waste etc separated out can be reused or recycled more easily.
If you add organic matter to a landfill it will decompose often anaerobiclly This causes two issue. First that releases methanecwhich is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide- whjchnhs what is relased if you compost organic batter properly.
Second you get a liquid effluent produced in the landfill which needs dealing with, this often has alot of toxic chemicals in it from both the organic batter abd other waste. If you remove as much organic batter as possible from landfill waste the amount of effluent and its strength is much reduced.

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