eli5 why we have such complex dietary requirements. Did our ancestors thousands of years ago have extremely well balanced diets?


eli5 why we have such complex dietary requirements. Did our ancestors thousands of years ago have extremely well balanced diets?

In: 115

63 Answers

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We can survive pretty well on a very wide range of diets. Our dietary requirements aren’t actually that complicated. We do need particular nutrients, which you can get from lots of different food combinations. In modern days, you see a lot of people trying to optimize their diet to achieve “ideal/perfect” health. A lot of this is still quite pseudosciencey, so watch out for gurus/instagramers/nutritionists/bloggers trying to sell you some particular diet/tonic that will help make you healthy and energized and live a long time. It’s usually BS.

**The best current science is**: Minimize processed sugars, get lots of fiber, don’t eat too much red meat. Eat what you enjoy while trying to stick mostly to whole grains and fruits and veggies and lean proteins. Have a cookie once in a while, it’s fine.

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