eli5 why we have such complex dietary requirements. Did our ancestors thousands of years ago have extremely well balanced diets?


eli5 why we have such complex dietary requirements. Did our ancestors thousands of years ago have extremely well balanced diets?

In: 115

63 Answers

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Depends on how far back you go. Foragers eat very diverse diets (except for those in very harsh climates, like the high Arctic), and draw on a wide range of food groups – small animals, insects and reptiles for protein, seeds, leaves, fruits, berries, roots… They moved around a lot and their low populations meant that they did not have to worry overmuch about bad years. With the full transition to agriculture diets become much more restricted – predominantly grains, with pulses and veg like onions, and protein more rarely. Their skeletons show many more signs of ill-health and recurrent famine. By comparison, our diets are better, although still restricted compared to foragers – we rely on a handful of grains (wheat, rice, corn, barley) for the bulk of our food.

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