Eli5 Why when I’m tired my brain barely functions?


Like seriously, it feels like I’m either high or drunk. Why does it feel like I completely forget basic things. Like once I was so tired I was waiting for my PC to turn on without pressing it. Why do we slowly degrade in function the more energy we use.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the simplest terms, your brain needs rest. It needs sleep to do a bit of a reset. When you aren’t sleeping, your brain is overworked and your functioning begins to decline. I don’t think it’s the expenditure of energy, as much as it is a lack of the reset.

A “function of sleep is to allow glial lymphatics in the brain to clear out proteins and other toxins that have deposited during the day. All of this goes to show that a good night’s sleep really can bring clarity. So, the next time you’re struggling to make a decision and someone tells you to “sleep on it”—that might be really good advice”

Anonymous 0 Comments

The long and short of it is that the sensation of being tired is actually a side effect, the drop off in performance is what sleep is trying to fix. By late afternoon the brain is exhausted, waste products everywhere and a giant mess of memories to sort through. All this slows the brain down and we take this as being tired.