Eli5: why when you take pictures with your phone (for example, of a beautiful sunset) the colours and proportions don’t look as good as with the human eye?


Eli5: why when you take pictures with your phone (for example, of a beautiful sunset) the colours and proportions don’t look as good as with the human eye?

In: 159

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No offense to others, but most of these answers are not correct.

The human eye has a way way way better dynamic range than any camera. Dynamic range is the ability to see things in different brightness in the same scene. You’ll notice that in a camera if you focus the camera on a dark part of the scene, the bright parts get totally washed out and white and if you focus on a bright part of a scene the dark parts become really dark. The better the dynamic range the better a camera or eye is at dealing with these differences in brightness in the same scene.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to what others have said, many do a very simple mistake when shooting sunsets. They see this magnificient sunset, and zoom out so they can get as much of the magnificence as possible. That does not work well.

Instead, the next time you are shooting a sunset and want those nice, fat colors, zoom in on it. Don’t get the entire horizon, zoom in close on the sun and it’s immediate surroundings.

That’s how you get those magnificent sunset shots.