eli5: Why will the body continue to store excess fat to the point where it jeopardizes the person’s health?


I understand food wasn’t always so abundant, and humans were well served to store excess consumed energy as fat for later use. What I don’t understand is why the body keeps storing fat to the point where a person becomes morbidly obese and it puts their entire health at risk. Why isn’t there a point where the body just let’s the extra calories pass through without saving for later?

In: 1194

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Caveman body evolved to be hoarders of fat so it has energy incase of no food days. Caveman innovations in technology is happening fast. In just around 100 years caveman technology advanced that food became abundant. Caveman evolution got outpaced by this so caveman body still thinks it needs to hoard fat incase of no food days because caveman’s evolution is slow as snail. So caveman’s body still hoard fat even though there is relatively an abundance of food compared to preindustrial age

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