eli5 why your weight is such an important indicator of your overall health.


It seems that in modern times our culture is obsessed with weight loss and it is often times seen as a primary indicator of your overall health. Why is this so?

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10 Answers

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It is easily accessible. It is very easy to weigh oneself reasonably accurately. So it is a simple way to self monitor.

Although humans come in various sizes etc, a relatively simple guideline for weight to some other characteristic (height etc) is easy to construct and explain.

Weight has a definite and clear impact on things like joints etc. This can easily be examined. Physics works the same everywhere. It is also easy to gather correlations between excessive weight and high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems etc.

The problem with very detailed health monitoring, although a more reliable and effective indicator of health is that it becomes expensive, difficult to do regularly and difficult to explain. Hence although “better”, in the real world, it is less effective.

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