eli5 why your weight is such an important indicator of your overall health.


It seems that in modern times our culture is obsessed with weight loss and it is often times seen as a primary indicator of your overall health. Why is this so?

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10 Answers

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Someone who is overweight may be suffering from health problems (high blood pressure, heart disease, risk of stroke etc.)

It may be taken as a sign of how active a person is, which is also related to your health.

There are also other problems such as joint pain. When you’re carrying around extra weight, your joints are put under more stress, which could cause pain or injury.

If someone is underweight it might be a sign of illness or some other condition. If someone is really underweight it can lead to many health complications.

Weight is generally a good indicator of health but we tent to emphasize it a bit too much, especially with modern beauty standards.

In general there is a range of weights which depending on your height is considered healthy, the BMI system is not very accurate as it only accounts for height and weight and nothing else.

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