Eli5 Will a person 1 on planet A percieve person b on planet 2 slowing down?


I’ve been thinking about gravity and time. I get that percieved time changes depending on which planet you’re on, more gravity= faster time is. I also understand that the person on that planet will not notice any difference.

For an example, ben teleports to a super big planet, and hangs out there for 5 hours, teleports back to earth and boom, its been 5 months in earth time.

But, if we somehome could, with a telescope, see ben on that big planet, would we percieve him as going slomo, or almost not moving?

In: 136

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you could watch someone moving at relativistic speeds, such as on a very fast spaceship, then yes they would be moving in slow motion from your perspective. You would *not* see this from someone on another planet; planets don’t provide the gravity needed to make that kind of difference in time dilation (the planet in Interstellar was an unrealistically specific scenario involving a planet orbiting a supermassive black hole).

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