Eli5 Will a person 1 on planet A percieve person b on planet 2 slowing down?


I’ve been thinking about gravity and time. I get that percieved time changes depending on which planet you’re on, more gravity= faster time is. I also understand that the person on that planet will not notice any difference.

For an example, ben teleports to a super big planet, and hangs out there for 5 hours, teleports back to earth and boom, its been 5 months in earth time.

But, if we somehome could, with a telescope, see ben on that big planet, would we percieve him as going slomo, or almost not moving?

In: 136

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Actually time slows down as gravity gets stronger.

As of your question, yes, you would “percieve” it going slower than you. But at this scale human perception is faaaaar from being fine enough to *actually* see it.

You’d need to plunge into a black hole to see a time dilation at the human scale.

But you can measure it around earth with the right instruments. In fact it’s a requirement for GPS to work, as satellites have faster running clocks in orbit than they would on the ground. It’s small, but significant when you’re doing GPS computations and measurements.

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