Essentially title. I understand why drug makers who claimed drugs were not addictive or pushed doctors to prescribe with ease should be punished. I’m confused why Walgreens and CVS paid such steep fines. In my head, it feels like suing the airport because Boeing makes terrible planes lately.
Thanks for the help!
In: Other
Walgreens and CVS knew they were filling too many opiates scripts. They could see the increase in their inventory orders and in their revenue.
Additionally, a pharmacy and their pharmacists serve as part of a final safety backstop for patients. A pharmacist can most certainly stop an unsafe prescription from being distributed.
Pharmacies aren’t just retailers for drugs. Pharmacists have very extensive educations, licenses, and legal responsibility in the correct treatment of their patients. They’re legally liable for things like failing to stop the filling of a prescription that could severely harm a patient due to something like a known allergy or interaction with another drug on that patient’s list.
It’s a little like if trained airport staff are seeing clear safety issues on those planes and admin told them to cover it up
Adding onto everything else… The bulk of the sales were also concentrated in Florida, specifically South Florida. This area of Fl had comparative monthly sale amounts to that of the rest of the country combined. The problem was very clear and nothing was done for years. It was really wild to live through all of that here.
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