eli5: with roller coasters, when the trains come to a complete stop in the break run before the station, how do the trains start moving again to enter the station?


eli5: with roller coasters, when the trains come to a complete stop in the break run before the station, how do the trains start moving again to enter the station?

In: 1

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They use a chain underneath the roller coaster to grab a hook on the underside of the cars, and a motor moves the chain to tow it into station, similar to how they get it up the hills on the tracks.

Anonymous 0 Comments


The brakes bring the train to a full stop in a *slightly* tilted area. When the brakes release, the train rolls forward again.

This takes out any variation in speed that might have resulted from the ride. You know you’re starting from zero on a known shallow slope ahead of the station so you get a very predictable entry speed.
