eli5: Wordle-bot


“XXXXX would be a better guess” suggesting a word that does NOT contain the letters I’ve already guessed correctly?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The bot has access to the same information you do; it only knows the information from your guesses so far as well as the rest of the English alphabet and Wordle word bank. Using the “atch” example from the other commenter, the bot would have to actually know the answer to give you a “better guess” that contains the letters you’ve already used. Instead, its power comes from its ability to efficiently eliminate iterations until the number of available letters and permutations leaves you with only one possible word.

Think of it this way; you are much more likely to guess the right five letter word if your only letter options are TUSQE rather than if your letter options are ONUMASTIVQLEPR. So is the bot; the difference between you and it is just that it knows how to get to the first scenario most efficiently.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The bot has access to the same information you do; it only knows the information from your guesses so far as well as the rest of the English alphabet and Wordle word bank. Using the “atch” example from the other commenter, the bot would have to actually know the answer to give you a “better guess” that contains the letters you’ve already used. Instead, its power comes from its ability to efficiently eliminate iterations until the number of available letters and permutations leaves you with only one possible word.

Think of it this way; you are much more likely to guess the right five letter word if your only letter options are TUSQE rather than if your letter options are ONUMASTIVQLEPR. So is the bot; the difference between you and it is just that it knows how to get to the first scenario most efficiently.