eli5: would adding more lanes to a freeway/busy street really ease congestion or would you still get bottlenecks?


I mean theoretically adding a lane or two should allow more cars to flow through, or would bad drivers still cause bottlenecks/gridlock despite the added capacity?

In: 28

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think looking at the reason why traffic jams are created will explain a lot why adding more lanes would not fix it.

Traffic jams, or slow traffic, are caused by multiple reasons, the obvious one is a car crash, but beside that traffic can be slow for reasons like lanes are reducing from 4 to 2, exit lanes, poor engineering of lane adding or deduction, poor engineering because engineer had no other option because of environmental issue or sometimes political issues, some people are not the greatest drivers and drive like 60mph where 80 is allowed, they do that for multiple reasons (let’s not get into those reasons). Bad weather conditions, poor road quality, …..

The list goes on and on.

Imagine people would drive similar like soldiers walk in group when they are marching, everyone at the same speed and same pace, driving would be a walk in the park.

Self driving cars could do that, marching like soldiers.

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