[ELI5] Would something stay hot in the space forever since there is nothing to transfer its heat?


[ELI5] Would something stay hot in the space forever since there is nothing to transfer its heat?

In: 169

56 Answers

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Every object with any heat releases it slowly through waves of energy (radiation).

Things that are very very hot release radiation that is visible to us.

This is how sunlight works. The sun releases its heat in the form of visible light.

In your house, things like the oven or the fireplace might get hot enough that they glow with blue or yellow light. This is the same thing.

Less hot things release their heat in the form of infrared radiation.

If you ever wear infra-red googles and look at a person then they’ll appear to be glowing. You are seeing the infra-red radiation coming out of their body.

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