[ELI5] Would something stay hot in the space forever since there is nothing to transfer its heat?


[ELI5] Would something stay hot in the space forever since there is nothing to transfer its heat?

In: 169

56 Answers

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Absolutely not. You’re only thinking on conduction and convection. There is a third mode called radiation. It doesn’t transfer to the air – it goes right thru it. Have you ever stood in a house with a lot of floor to ceiling windows when it’s snowing outside? Even if it’s 70F inside you feel cold. This is because of radiation. Outer space is much worse. If the sun isn’t frying you, you will radiate your heat and become a popsicle quickly. Another place you have felt radiation is a campfire or outdoor heater. The air between you and the heater is cold but your skin is frying hot.

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