[ELI5] Would something stay hot in the space forever since there is nothing to transfer its heat?


[ELI5] Would something stay hot in the space forever since there is nothing to transfer its heat?

In: 169

56 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ever seen a white hot piece of iron? Even in absence of conduction and convection, that radiation of light still transfers heat away. And nothing ever really stops glowing that way, it’s just that as the temperature goes down the light emitted gets redder and we can’t really see infrared with our eyes. With a thermal camera you can however.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. It wouldn’t need anything else to pass the heat to; like everything, it would slowly shed heat by emitting infrared radiation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. It wouldn’t need anything else to pass the heat to; like everything, it would slowly shed heat by emitting infrared radiation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Accelerating charges radiate electromagnetic waves. If you have some material that is made of atoms above 0K they are oscillating. Thats what we call temperature. And the occilation is called thermal motion. Now we got charges that are always accelerating back and forth. They radiate. Thats what we call thermal radiation.

This energy comes from the motion of charges so they behave like lightly dampened oscillators. They emmit light and slow down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many good explanations here, but I haven’t seen anybody mention entropy yet. Entropy is the measure of disorder, what is essentially the measure of heat. There’s an idea called the cold death of the universe, where every single thing in the universe things up at absolute zero, because if you follow the arrow of time I’ve watched the only measure seems to be entropy, the only thing that Arrow points to is maximum entropy, what is every atom that absolute zero

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many good explanations here, but I haven’t seen anybody mention entropy yet. Entropy is the measure of disorder, what is essentially the measure of heat. There’s an idea called the cold death of the universe, where every single thing in the universe things up at absolute zero, because if you follow the arrow of time I’ve watched the only measure seems to be entropy, the only thing that Arrow points to is maximum entropy, what is every atom that absolute zero

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. You would still emit blackbody radiation (in the infrared) and would loose your heat till you would be in Thermodynamic equilibrium with your surroundings. Or, in other words, you = dead, *dead.*

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. You would still emit blackbody radiation (in the infrared) and would loose your heat till you would be in Thermodynamic equilibrium with your surroundings. Or, in other words, you = dead, *dead.*

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of out this way: if there is nothing to transfer the heat, then how does the Sun heat the Earth? Simple answer is that heat doesn’t need to have something to transfer through. It just floats through space like light (which is a form of energy just like heat)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of out this way: if there is nothing to transfer the heat, then how does the Sun heat the Earth? Simple answer is that heat doesn’t need to have something to transfer through. It just floats through space like light (which is a form of energy just like heat)