Eli5 your food has mold so you throw it out. Except for cheese, you just cut off that bit and keep going. Why is molded cheese still safe to eat, unlike bread or chicken?


Eli5 your food has mold so you throw it out. Except for cheese, you just cut off that bit and keep going. Why is molded cheese still safe to eat, unlike bread or chicken?

In: 5187

16 Answers

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Imagine you have three buckets. One is filled with whipped cream, one is filled with plastic bbs, and one is filled with clay. Now imagine trying to touch the bottom of each bucket with your finger.

It would be very easy to touch the bottom of the whipped cream bucket, because there is basically no resistance. The bucket with the bbs would be harder, but with some wiggling around and maneuvering, you will eventually get to the bottom. The bucket with the clay would be near impossible to touch the bottom without removing material.

Mold, like other fungi, have something called mycelium. What you see as a mushroom or mold is part of a much larger organism, and are called “fruiting bodies.” The mycelium are a lot like your hand trying to touch the bottom of the bucket. The harder and less porous the material, the slower/less far it can spread.

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