Eli5 your food has mold so you throw it out. Except for cheese, you just cut off that bit and keep going. Why is molded cheese still safe to eat, unlike bread or chicken?


Eli5 your food has mold so you throw it out. Except for cheese, you just cut off that bit and keep going. Why is molded cheese still safe to eat, unlike bread or chicken?

In: 5187

16 Answers

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It’s about how solid the food is and this how far the mycelium (roots) of the mould can penetrate.

The CSIRO (a govt run scientific body in Australia) once issued a list of foods you can just cut the mouldy bit off. [Link.](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/csiro-identifies-foods-that-are-safe-to-eat-when-mould-is-cut-off/news-story/6c828916672e6177daba1456c61bb70f#:~:text=Foods%20you%20can%20save%20(if,away%20from%20the%20visible%20mould.)

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