Eli5 your food has mold so you throw it out. Except for cheese, you just cut off that bit and keep going. Why is molded cheese still safe to eat, unlike bread or chicken?


Eli5 your food has mold so you throw it out. Except for cheese, you just cut off that bit and keep going. Why is molded cheese still safe to eat, unlike bread or chicken?

In: 5187

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The [FDA Food Code](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/molds-food-are-they-dangerous) is the main reference here (in the US, at least, but similar in other countries).

Mycelium can penetrate surprisingly deep even into hard cheeses. I would, and I’m a chef, recommend following their guidelines.

TLDR molded cheese is not necessarily safe to eat and that’s why we have food codes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Me personally if anything has mold the while fucning thing gets removed from my presence.

Im allergic to penicillin so .not taking chances

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are lots of good answers here, but it’s worth rememebering, “mold” is like the flowering part of a weed. Cutting off the blue bits, doesn’t necessarily cut out the “roots”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had a chocolate cake pop that was in a plastic bag. It looked fine. It was also like six months old. I was cleaning and going to throw it out, but decided to take a bite. It was full of mold inside. It even poofed with a puff of air when I bit into it. The taste was like earth and was weird. I’d never had a mouth full of mold before. I promptly spit it out and then ran to the toilet where my body was saying puke but I kept my composure. Gargled Listerine then googled if I was gonna live or not 🙁

I think I might have a picture of moldy pop somewhere…

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know I’m wasteful but when I see mold on stuff, the whole thing goes in the trash.

My logic is basically: if it sat uneaten for weeks and weeks, long enough to get moldy, and I passed over it repeatedly while hungrily looking for something to eat, then there’s no point saving it. It’s not like the mold makes it any more suddenly appetizing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bread full of holes, easy to grow in. Meat and soft cheese soft, easy to grow through. Hard cheese no holes, hard to grow through. Bacteria strong, but not that strong. Gut biome weak. Tummy hurt. So still cut off lot of hard cheese when moldy, at least one finger wide. Tummy won’t hurt.