(Eli5)How is there no cure for common colds?


(Eli5)How is there no cure for common colds?

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3 Answers

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Common colds are normally quite minor illnesses, compared with many others, so the ***benefit*** of finding a cure is relatively low.

Common colds aren’t just caused by a single pathogen, but by hundreds of different virus species from at least three families (rhinovirus, coronavirus (but not closely related to COVID), adenovirus (I think) and others). Each different family would need a different cure – at best. Possibly each different species, and (at worst) each seasonal variation of each species. So the ***cost*** of developing a “cure all common colds” cure is relatively high, compared with other diseases.

Since the benefit is relatively low, and the cost is relatively high, it has not been done. Medical research has focused on more important and/or more easily solved problems.

Until new technology brings down the cost, or new research shows the benefit is higher than we thought, we should not expect a cure for the common cold to be developed.

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