eli5:What are weights in nueral networks and how do they work


eli5:What are weights in nueral networks and how do they work

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2 Answers

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Networks are made by nodes connected to one another. The weights of each connection are how “important” those connections are.

For example, let’s say we want to make a network to determine if a person is obese. Our three input nodes (i.e. information we have) are age, height, and weight. Now, height and weight are important to determine obesity, but age isn’t that important (a 300lb 20 year old is just as obese as a 50 year old). Therefore, all of the weights of connections coming from the age node are going to be very small.

On the other hand, height and weight are both quite important, so the weights of those connections will likely be quite high (though height may be a high negative because a taller person at the same weight is going to be skinnier).

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