eli5:What exactly is the difference between linear and non-linear animation in smartphones?


Been noticing a lot of people complaining that iphone offers non linear animation whereas samsung OneUI is still using linear animations which is somehow bad. Can somebody explain what this means? Thank you.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When animating things, you can choose how you want to pace the motion. Linearity refers to the speed curve that controls said pace of motion. Any kind of easing in and out will mean the speed’s change over time was nonlinear (the curve had to bend).

Websites for example have full control over the curves they use, so it’s incorrect to say one platform only allows one kind of animation – you’ll see all kinds of them on all of these platforms.

I don’t know what animations you’re specifically referring to, but there’s no true “superior” style, it’s completely subjective and context dependent. Sometimes the best animation is none at all, even.

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