eli5:What exactly is the difference between linear and non-linear animation in smartphones?


Been noticing a lot of people complaining that iphone offers non linear animation whereas samsung OneUI is still using linear animations which is somehow bad. Can somebody explain what this means? Thank you.

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3 Answers

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These aren’t really “official” terms, and they don’t have anything to do with the hardware capabilities of the phone themselves. Nor are they unique to smartphones.

They’re just different styles of animation. If you are animating a square moving from one place in the screen to another, you can either have it move at exactly a constant rate (linear), or you can have it briefly pick up speed to start, then briefly slow down at the end (non-linear.)

Some smartphone OSs have picked non-linear animations as their preferred style for everything for a long time. Others stuck with linear. It’s just a design choice. But these days, most customers have decided non-linear looks nicer and higher quality.

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