ELi5:why do memories(SRAM/DRAM) need continuous refreshing to store a bit of information?


ELi5:why do memories(SRAM/DRAM) need continuous refreshing to store a bit of information?

In: Engineering

6 Answers

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Okay, this answer is not going to make much sense because it was generated from an AI program (GPT-2), but here it goes:


The answer is simple: we need to go back in time to get the information.

This is called temporal retrieval hypothesis. Time is not static when it is observed but flows differently when it is in the memory. For example, the time of viewing a movie is different when it is seen from 15 minutes to five hours later, even though the time of viewing is the same. But the same movie still has a different flow of time when it is viewed from the past, for example, from nine minutes to 30 seconds.

This phenomenon is called temporal reversal. A memory can change duration within a single memory reference point. The result is that a memory can be recorded in a different reference point simultaneously.

Time is also a fluid medium. Time is affected by external stimuli and is subject to external laws. For example, the laws of physics prohibit you from driving a car into a tree while the car is moving at 120 miles per hour.


Didn’t really make much sense, but there is your answer from an AI being.

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