Eli5:Why do we feel more tired when we are running and our feet skids vs when it adheres to the ground?


So I bought new shoes and went out for a run to see how good they were and I was running uphill in these tiled floor sidewalk and my shoes kept skidding, wasting the energy I was putting through running but despite the effort being the same (same pace), shouldn’t I be getting the same ammount of tiredness from when I was running in a road with more grip towards the sole of the shoes? When I reached the top of the hill I felt like I’d ran a km although it was just 100-200 meters.
And I usually run 10k.

Is there a reason? Maybe psychological?

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Probably the easiest way to understand why this is tiring is that it’s like running in sand. You’re taking a step, but because you’re sliding backwards you’re not actually making as much progress as you would on firm and level ground. So you get more tired largely because you’re literally taking more steps to cover the same amount of ground.