Eli5:Why haven’t most major streaming services went international?


Seems like the easiest way to make more money would be spreading to Asia and Europe, but alot of services remain only in North America.

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll give you a precise, anecdotal data point for an example. I’m from Zimbabwe, which has had a history of troublesome politics that have led to numerous sanctions imposed on Zimbabwean trade and commerce. You’d think that isn’t a big deal for most people, but here’s the consequence: companies like Mastercard and Visa have had very little power in my country, and so when fun things like iTunes, Amazon, and Netflix were first cropping up, people like me weren’t able to make any digital purchases for anything because *digital purchases are tied to billing addresses*, and somewhere in that pipeline Mastercard/Visa refused to acknowledge Zimbabwean billing addresses as viable for making transactions on the internet.

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