eli5:why is Africa generally poor compared to the rest of the world.


Africa has a lot of natural resources but has always relied on foreign aid. Nonetheless has famine, poor road network, poor Healthcare etc. Please explain.

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38 Answers

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Africa was looted by the colonial powers for 400 years, both natural resources and people in the Transatlantic slave trade. After liberation from colonialism in the 1960s-70s things started looking up, but the first world invented new ways of looting the continent, called neocolonialism.

One example was a deal between an African state and France that said that both countries had equal access to each others fishing waters. Of course no African fishing boat could make the journey to France while France vacuumed the fishing waters with their modern fishing trawlers.

Another way is that when governments emerge that do not obey first world diktats, suddenly the human rights record is a major problem and there is a coup or regime change war.

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