ELIF: What stops people from faking checks


So essentially someone writes you a check, you then bring the check into the bank and they take money out of that persons bank account and put it into yours. Just based on that slip of paper. So what stops anyone from writing fake checks, it seems like it would be really easy
(I’m a teenager so if this is completely wrong my apologies)

Edit: Thanks for the responses!

In: Economics

9 Answers

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There are additional security measures taken if you try to cash (or deposit) the check at the bank it was drawn on. In other words, if I bank at Bank of America and write you a check… and you take it into your local Bank of America, they’ll look at several things. Including the check number. If I’ve recently written check number 100 thru 115, and you walk in with check number 873, thats a huge red flag. They’ll look at my signature they have on record and compare it with whats on the check. And obviously balance. If I have a 30/60/90 day average balance of $400 and wrote you a check for $750, red flag…

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