End to End Encryption


Can someone how the internet can just… not be encrypted anymore? Like isn’t the internet fundamentally like an open source thing? Obviously the average person can’t hack their way into any website but if the government doesn’t “own” the internet then how can they make legislation like EARN IT and KOSA and such?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The EARN IT act does not apply to the Internet. It applies to website operators within the United States of America. For example if you are an Internet Service Provider, hosts game servers that is connected to the Internet, hosts email servers, etc. then you are not affected directly by EARN IT. Similarly if you are a website operator in Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Nigeria or even Mexico then EARN IT does not directly apply to you. Even if your website is available from within the US and is being accessed by people from within the US the legislation does not directly affect you.

There are obviously some caveats here. It is very hard to do business today without dealing with an American company. It could be that you use their website (Reddit is an American company), the hosting provider might be American, a number of other vendors might be American, advertisers might be American, or at least it goes through an American agent, etc. So any legislation in the US will have some impact on the rest of the world. But any attempt at enforcing American legislation on foreign companies is going to be have to done in a very round about way by charging American companies for the crime.

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