Every year I hear about qualified premeds not getting into med school because there are so few spots. Why are qualified people being turned away if there’s a worsening doctor shortage in the US?


Every year I hear about qualified premeds not getting into med school because there are so few spots. Why are qualified people being turned away if there’s a worsening doctor shortage in the US?

In: 3577

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biggest problem is residency being funded through Medicare. In no other industry is the hiring and training of the next generation publicly funded. It should be done away with completely. Every medical company/hospital has it in their best interest to hire and train new doctors. They could do it by contract. We’ll agree to train you for 4 years residency, if you’ll then agree to work for us for 4 years after, ect.

Also the “shortage” of doctors is largely localized. In other words, doctors want to live in particular areas, so they have too many. Meanwhile, shitty backwater poor communities, no one who went to med school wants to work there, so they don’t have enough.

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