Every year I hear about qualified premeds not getting into med school because there are so few spots. Why are qualified people being turned away if there’s a worsening doctor shortage in the US?


Every year I hear about qualified premeds not getting into med school because there are so few spots. Why are qualified people being turned away if there’s a worsening doctor shortage in the US?

In: 3577

16 Answers

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A few problems- medical schools and residency programs would have to grow in sync, and the people with power over residency programs have no power over medical schools

Obamacare got a bunch of people to get insurance, which causes demand.

As the boomers hit 65, they get Medicare, so not only are they aging and need medical care, many will have insurance for the first time.

Finally, the biggest shortfall is in Primary care providers, who get paid less than specialists and have to be on call, leading to burnout

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